2019 was a year of building momentum as F3DP started to pick up more and more jobs due to its early adoption of the MJF technology.
Some of this work was from the machine builder clients we were initially hoping to work with, but we were also quite surprised by the number of end use production part orders we got as well!
We also started a new October tradition of hosting classes from our local high school for Manufacturing day! Considering over 1/2 of the combined DE / F3DP team graduated from this school this was a great way to give back to a School that put us all on this path.
While Paul had continued attending Solidworks world every year sinceĀ 2011, this year he finally got up the courage to submit a presentation on design for additive manufacturing, and it got excepted! Surprisingly he was not booed off the stage and overall the feedback on the talk was positive!
The work hard play hard culture continued with golf and high speed electric go carts.