2022 was another year of strong growth, with the company’s total head count rising to 13 people.
Due to continuing demand for MJF parts a 3rd machine was added at F3DP to support the large production projects that were starting to become a regular occurrence.
With the ever increasing volume of parts F3DP was producing it was time to upgrade the post processing area of the shop. An automatic tumble blaster, 2 person bead blasting booth, centrally plumbed dust collection system, and a built in Cerakote booth were added to the F3DP shop to help with efficiently processing parts after printing.
DE added a new FARO arm nicknamed Hank.
It was also time to think about the future growth of the company. Keeping DE and F3DP as separate business units had worked out well and with more growth opportunities on the horizon it was time to set up a holding company to simplify things on the back end and enable easy and rapid growth in the future by adding more business units. Gambit Works (GW) was set up as this new holding company.
Gambit: a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.
GW was granted a Federal Firearms License for Manufacturing, this opened up a whole new market for the company to work with and also made team building events at the range much more interesting.
F3DP Printed AR-15 lowers using the MJF machines for R&D work around polymer firearm parts.