Nate Lillibridge

Matt Currens

Matt Russell

Olivia Jewell

Your Name Here

We are always looking to add team members to our various business units, please send your resume to

David Hall

John VanDussen

Hayden Kemme

Taylor VanManen

Will Finkler

Nick Depender

Jennifer Bissard

Paul DeWys

I am a sales guy trapped in the body of an engineer who ended up in marketing, hence, my role as a Sales Engineer! I love to work with companies and customers to help educate them about what is possible when you combine 3D laser scanning to capture a part, mechanical engineering expertise to modify it as needed, and a wide variety of additive manufacturing equipment to help either prototype it or in some cases produce end use parts.

I know when most people think of a “sales guy” it does not inspire a lot of confidence in their technical knowledge. Let me put those fears to rest. I started my first company, DeWys Engineering, as a pure play engineering services company in 2009 out of my dorm room (I was the engineer!) I hold multiple CSWP certs from my time running SolidWorks. In 2016 I purchased the assets of a local 3D Printing company and started a new business unit called Forerunner 3D Printing. I have learned how to run 3D printers the hard way, trial and error, and to this day cover the Sunday shift at our shop.

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